Sun 19 Feb 2023

Nobiltà Sabauda

From 11:00 to 15:30

The historic group Nobiltà Sabauda of the City of Rivoli has been present in Italy since 1997 and has been involved in narrating and staging customs and costumes from two historical eras, 1730 and 1861, through dances and short theatrical pieces performed in historical residences in Piedmont and beyond.

At the Venice Carnival 2023, it presented a choreography of movements and dances freely inspired by the opera of Don Giovanni entitled “Madamine d’altri tempi” (Madamines of bygone days) featuring feathers, fans and parasols and… many Madamines!


Nobiltà Sabauda awaits you:

Saturday 18 February

at 14:00 in Campo S. Geremia

at 17:30 in St. Mark’s Square

Sunday 19th February

at 11:00 in Campo S. Maria Formosa

at 15:00 in St. Mark’s Square