“Smanie per la moda” from Carlo Goldoni
A comedy that combines 18th century fashion and the most important venetian playwright: Carlo Goldoni
The halls of the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista will host an original comedy that arises from the combination of several extracts from Goldoni’s works on the theme of fashion, a fundamental element to outline the characters of the unforgettable Goldoni characters. The clothes are not only described in the directorial directions, but often become the protagonists of entire comedies: “The yearnings for the holiday” revolve around the wardrobe of the two protagonists, the “bona mare” never misses an opportunity to film the son who mistreats his clothes , to then buy them new ones while making sacrifices, and in the “Rusteghi” the differences in the role of the protagonists in Venetian society are outlined by their clothing.
Drawing inspiration from the numerous staging for which the Atelier Pietro Longhi provided the costumes, Raffaele Dessì decided to combine several comedies highlighting a fundamental characteristic of Goldoni, its bringing back daily life, a possible reality, on Italian stages. and French. The scene will revolve around Carlo Goldoni, his deeply in love wife Nicoletta Conio and their hosts, the Centani family.
The scene takes place during a carnival. The two women would like to go to the square, to admire the forces of Hercules organized for the Doge, and then go to the theater. Skirmishes arise with husbands for excessive spending on clothing, and small rivalries between the four for those who wear the most fashionable and eye-catching clothes.
It will be the actors of the company “La Bautta” to give life to the characters. The company was founded in 1995. Making use of elements of proven experience and artistic ability, since its inception it has obtained numerous prizes and awards in national profile competitions, to which are added the acclaim of the critics and the satisfaction of the public. In a short time the company becomes more and more a privileged interlocutor in the programming of theatrical seasons in various regional areas and in general in the realization of wider national cultural events.
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