Kölner Karneval!

The Triumvirate of the Cologne Carnival will be present in Venice to celebrate its 200th anniversary, to the typical cry of “Kölle Alaaf!”.
The Cologne Carnival (in German Kölner Karneval) takes place every year during the so-called ‘fifth season’, which opens at 11 a.m. in the 11th month of the year and continues, except for a break for the Christmas holidays, following the traditional calendar. The heart of this carnival is the so-called ‘crazy days’ period between Shrove Thursday (Weiberfastnacht) and Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch).
The highlight of Carnival is Rose Monday (Rosenmontag), two days before Ash Wednesday. Since 1883, the Carnival has celebrated its ‘Triumvirate’ consisting of three historical figures: the Jungfrau (young maiden), the Bauer (farmer) and the Prinz (Prince), who is considered the highest representative of the festivities and leads the main parades throughout the week.