The Best Masked Costume Parade at Venice Carnival 2024

Carnevale di Venezia 2024: eletta la maschera più elaborata, più fantasiosa e più legata al tema “Ad Oriente. Il mirabolante viaggio di Marco Polo”
Sotto gli elaborati costumi di “Olè” c’erano invece Silvio Bandini e Diego Carazzone da Camogli, mentre “700 volte Marco” era impersonificato da Laura Esposito di Napoli e Paolo Quadrino di Savona.
Centinaia le maschere che quest’anno hanno calcato il palco di Piazza San Marco: costumi che hanno espresso un trionfo di creatività e divertimento tale da lasciare a bocca aperta il pubblico, personaggi travestiti di tutte le età e le nazionalità hanno sfilato per farsi ammirare dai presenti.
Venice Carnival elected the Best Masked Costumes this evening. Three costumes were awarded: “Corona, the Red Queen” is the Most Elaborate Mask; “Olè” is the Most Imaginative Mask; and “700 times Marco” is the Mask most closely related to the theme of Venice Carnival.
The “Corona, the Red Queen” was France’s Karen Duthoit, who won the Best Masked Costume Contest in 2023. Last year she was “Astrostar” with a costume composed of hundreds of mirror fragments and with a clear reference to the zodiac signs, in the edition entitled “Take Your Time For The Original Signs.”
Under the elaborate costumes of “Olè” were Silvio Bandini and Diego Carazzone from Camogli, while “700 times Marco” was impersonated by Laura Esposito from Naples and Paolo Quadrino from Savona.
Hundreds of masks graced the stage in Piazza San Marco this year: costumes that expressed such a triumph of creativity and fun that they left the audience open-mouthed, costumed characters of all ages and nationalities paraded to be admired by those in attendance.