Starting 4 February, in Campo Santo Stefano and St. Mark’s Square returns the Commedia dell’Arte! 03.02.2023
“Original Dreamers”, the Opening Parade of the 2023 Venice Carnival, will kick off tomorrow 03.02.2023
On the weekend of 4 and 5 February, musicals and Commedia dell’Arte take to the Venetian stages 01.02.2023
The Opening Parade “Original Dreamers” is set to kick off the 2023 Venice Carnival on Saturday, February 4! 31.01.2023
Carnevale di Venezia 2023, the return of the masked float parades and the first children’s shows 27.01.2023
Venice Carnival: the festivities will kick off on Saturday, February 4 with the Opening Parade along the Grand Canal! 26.01.2023