Friday, February 9, 2024

Capodanno Cinese – La Sfilata a Mestre

Chiostro M9
Friday, February 9, 2024
15:00 - 17:30
Chiostro M9
via Poerio - Mestre, Italia (Directions)

On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, an exciting traditional parade will take place!

The dragon dance is performed to celebrate the Chinese New Year, as a wish for good luck and longevity. This dance is performed by an experienced dance troupe, who imitate the sinuous movements of the dragon. The body is ribbon-like and supported by several dancers with long wooden poles held in their hands. The dragon dance is led by a pearl representing the moon, symbol of wisdom and the energy of the universe. The pearl is carried by a dancer on a long stick with which he guides the dance and gives direction to the dragon. At the end of the dance, the dragon makes wiggling and undulating movements, trying to reach the sphere to devour it. The dance is always accompanied by music played by drums, cymbals and many other traditional Chinese instruments. The atmosphere is cheerful and lively.

The lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance performed mainly during certain celebrations, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year. This dance represents a wish for wealth and abundance. In the lion dance, there are two actor-dancers who move the lion costume. The first moves the upper part, which includes the mouth, eyes, front paws and head, while the second moves the hind legs, basin and tail. Both move following the musical background consisting of a drum, which beats the rhythm and movements of the dancers.

L’ Italy China Culture and Turism Promotion Association (ICCPTA), ha come obiettivo principale la promozione e l’ organizzazione dello sviluppo degli scambi culturali, economici e turistici tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e la Repubblica Italiana.

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