II° Simposio internazionale demenziale – Scholars also cry
In times of animal seriousness, of universal conspiracy, comes an international conference of the scholars that joke. It lands in Venice for Carnival, bringing together Italian and European intellectuals under the slogan “The scholars also cry.”
12 multimedia talks by brilliant professors and university students from prestigious universities such as Karlsruhe, Trieste, Turin, Berlin, Verona, and Milan will present a wide range of theories and research.
Sponsored by the Academia of Playful Sciences & Teatro Instabile de Venexia, this year is dedicated to Marco Polo and other virtuoso adventurers.
Under the direction of historians Profs. Sergey Nikitin-Rimsky and Stefano Aloe.
At SpazioEventi of the legendary Venetian bookstore “La Toletta.”
Free admission.