Sunday, February 4, 2024

Historical Dances – Le Maschere di Mario del ‘700 Veneziano

Sunday, February 4, 2024
15:30 - 16:00
Available dates

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For the Venice Carnival 2024, which this year celebrates the 700th anniversary of the death of the Great Venetian Traveler Marco Polo, the Historical Group Le Maschere di Mario del ‘700 veneziano will present a special introductory choreography reenacting that period!

The presentation of the “Historical Dances” program will evoke the Chinese influence on the trade of Precious Cloths that gave rise to the making of clothes throughout the centuries up to the “Enlightenment.”

We begin with the “Dance of Fables” to music by Matthias Georg Monn a great 18th century Austrian composer. Imagine being in a Grand Ballroom of a Fairy Castle, dancing with a Dame or Knight a “Quadrille in a Circle” and spinning endlessly without ever stopping. This is followed by The “Dance of the Mirrors” sinuous movements between ladies and knights mirroring each other in a whirlwind of merriment and delight. We conclude with the “Royal Dance” a “Minuet” to music by Händel, evoking the joyous Feasts along the Thames at the Court of George I King of England in 1717.

Le Maschere di mario del ‘700 Veneziano await you:


Sunday 4th February

at 15:30 in Piazza San Marco

Sunday 11th February

at 12:30 pm in Campo Santa Maria Formosa

at 16:00 in Piazza San Marco

Le Maschere di Mario del ‘700 Veneziano” is one of the historical groups that are ambassadors of 18th-century Venetian tradition both in Italy and abroad.

Founded in the early 2000s, over the years it has acquired increasing ‘professionalism’, both in the meticulous care taken in the preparation of the ballets and in the creation of costumes that, in a rigorous and philological manner, reproduce, in terms of style and fabric, those of the Venetian and French 18th century, i.e. the two ‘cultures’ that most characterised the magnificent period of the 18th century, an age of ingenuity, art and enlightenment.


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