09 February 2023

The Dinner Show “Original Sinners” by Antonia Sautter is about to start!

The Dinner Show of the Venice Carnival returns from Saturday, February 11 and Sunday, February 12 and then from 16 to 21 February at Ca’ Vendramin Calergi, one of the most beautiful palazzos of the Venetian 16th century and the historic home of the Venice Casino.

Amidst sumptuous dresses and unforgettable artistic performances, the “sinners” of the 2023 Carnival will meet in the magnificent rooms overlooking the Grand Canal to transgress at the table and immerse themselves in a dreamlike atmosphere.

The Dinner Shows are like a treasure chest full of surprises to be experienced with wonder and imagination”, says Massimo Checchetto, artistic director of the Carnival, “capturing the essence of the Venetian Carnival in a magical night”.

To pamper guests’ palates there will be a rich menu prepared by the skilful hands of the chefs of the Wagner Restaurant; to welcome them, instead, the exclusivity of a night of enchantment in the elegant and seductive entertainment conceived for the occasion by Antonia Sautter.

An evening to admire the splendid chandeliers and frescoes of what was also chosen as Wagner’s residence, accompanied by courtesans, acrobats, burlesque acts, singers, actors and refined costumes.

“The Venetian Carnival is closely linked to the essence of our beautiful city; it projects its original creativity and unique craftsmanship as the lagoon reflects its magnificent architecture. My hope is that, after these last few difficult years, we will begin to live it again, above all as the intriguing collective game that it has been since the times of the Serenissima”, says Antonia Sautter, artistic director of the “Original Sinners” Dinner Show at Ca’ Vendramin Calergi, staged by the exclusive cast of her “Ballo del Doge”. “There is no Carnival in the world like ours: as playful and goliardic as it is refined and mysterious. We should go back to being more proud of it and participating in it. I am delighted and grateful to be able to contribute to renewing this tradition that is so deeply rooted in our city, and to curate the artistic direction of this gala dinner that will take Ca’ Vendramin guests on an imaginative journey into the world of sins. It is my invitation to break the mould and dare to be who you want to be, with joy and elegance”.

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