04 February 2023

News: from today, fields, streets and squares are filled with fun and frolics thanks to widespread performances

Mimes, clowns, actors, musicians, stilt-walkers, magicians and storytellers transport adults and children alike into the world of street art. The “Venice Carnival Street Show” kicked off today, a programme with widespread shows involving Venice, Mestre, the islands of the lagoon and the municipalities.

After the success of the last edition, the 2023 Venice Carnival “Take Your Time For The Original Signs” re-proposes the formula of street theatre, outdoors, to transport the public into the magic of comedy, fantastic stories, games, and music. A mix of merriment, music, choreography and energy, flowing to involve the most important element of each performance: the audience of all ages.

The shows began today and will get into the thick of things on Saturday, February 11 and Sunday, February 12, and on the days of the “Settimana grassa” – from Thursday, February 16 to Tuesday, February 21 – from 11 AM to 1 PM and from 3.30 PM to 7 PM.

Today, in the heart of Mestre, the Circo Patuf with various performers and clowns, the Magician Abacuc with his amusing magic, the Baracca dei Buffoni with its enchantment-makers, and the Funkasin Street Band took turns. In Venice, Campo Santa Margherita, Campo San Giacomo, Esedra Castello, Campo San Geremia, Campo dei Gesuiti, Campo Santa Maria Formosa and Campo San Cassiano came alive with Alice and the Magician and the madcap enchanter Saeed, with the comic juggling of Diego Draghi and Fausto Barile, with the notes of the marching band Grande Cantagiro Barattoli and ventriloquist Nicola Pesaresi, with the irresistible latin lover Damiano Massaccesi, with the balancing acts of an improbable clown from the Teatro Viaggiante, the musical performance of Arteare, the crazy circus stilt-walkers of Circateatro, the jugglers and puppets of the Compagnia La Fabiola and Kalù, and then Stramagante and the singing group Cikale Vocal Trio.

On Sunday, February 5 in Piazza Ferretto from 11 AM there will be the performances of Circo Patuf, characters who among tango, boleadoras and other marvels will make the public fall in love, together with the enchanters La Baracca dei Buffoni, the magic of the wild Lo Mago Abacu, and the overwhelming music of the unusual brotherhood of friars Opusband.

In Venice, again from 11 AM, Campo Santa Margherita will host the Teatro Viaggiante (Travelling Theatre) and the marching Grande Cantagiro Barattoli (Cantagiro Canisters); Campo San Giacomo will feature the madcap charmer Saeed and the Stramagante; at Esedra Castello children will have fun with the puppets of the Compagnia Fabiola and shows straddling magic and witchcraft by the Compagnia Bianconiglio; the passion for singing will involve the public in Campo San Geremia with Cikale Vocal Trio and Arteare; in Campo dei Gesuiti there will be fantastic characters and comic moments with clowns Fausto Barile and Damiano Massaccesi; in Campo Santa Maria Formosa there will be performances of stilts, circus acrobatics and martial arts by Circateatro and ventriloquist Nicola Pesaresi; finally, in Campo San Cassiano one can watch comic juggling and balancing acts, and have fun with eccentric jugglers Kalù and Diego Draghi.

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