Fri 2 Feb 2024

Maestro De Marchi’s Leather Masks at Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista

Location: Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista
Address: San Polo 2454 - Venezia, VE 30125 Italia (Directions)

The exhibition of leather masks by Maestro De Marchi in the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista (salone Badoer).
Several leather sculptures (masks) are on display, all made by Maestro “mascherer” Giorgio De Marchi.

1-15 February 2024

The art of the ‘mascherer’ is very old: the term was first used in a document from the mid-16th century, preserved in the Correr Museum, to indicate the artisan mask-maker. At that time Venice had about ten of them. The aim of the exhibition is to raise awareness of the ‘theatrical mask’, whose origins date back to prehistoric times, but whose establishment is linked to the commedia dell’arte.


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