Nobiltà Sabauda, La Via della Seta tra Barocco e Oriente
The events of Venice Carnival 2024 may be delayed, suspended, or cancelled, in case of weather conditions – verified at the specific sites and on the spot – that compromise a safe performance.
In these cases, it will be promptly communicated through on-site and web/social communication channels.
The historic group Nobiltà Sabauda of Rivoli (To) present
“La Via della Seta tra Barocco e Oriente”
A dreamlike show that starts in splendid Baroque Venice, travels through the seductive lands of the Orient visited by Marco Polo and returns to the majestic Serenissima.
Set between Baroque and late medieval times, it represents a dream in which past and future intertwine, highlighting how each journey changes everything, including us.
Nobiltà Sabauda waits you:
Saturday 10th February
at 15:30 in Piazza San Marco
Sunday 11th February
at 15:00 in Piazza San Marco